Affluent: having a lot of money and a good standard of living

Intricate: having a lot of different parts and small details that fit together

Notoriously: well known for being bad

Unscrupulous: without moral principles, not honest or fair

Congenital: existing since or before birth, use only before noun: part of a person’s character, not likely to change

Rendered: to cause sb/sth in a particular state of condition

Oscillating: a repeated change between different feelings, types of behavior or ideas.

Reveries: thinking about pleasant things

Garrulous: talking a lot especially about unimportant things

Veracity: the quality of being true, the habit of telling the truth

Obstinate: refusing to change your opinion

Havoc: a situation which there is a lot of damage, destruction or confusion

Virtuous: being in a very good and moral way

Chortle: to laugh loudly with pleasure or because you are amused

Aloofness: not friendly or interested in other people

Melee: a situation in which a crowd of people are rushing or pushing each other in a confused way.

Valiant: very brave or determined

Contrite: very sorry for sth bad that you have done

Impeccable: without mistakes or faults

Vehemently: showing very strong feelings, especially anger

Imbecile: a rude way to describe a person that you think is very stupid

Nemesis: punishment or defeat that is deserved and cannot be avoided

Oblivious: not aware of sth

Feigned: to pretend that you have a particular feeling

Irony: the use of words that say the opposite of what you really mean, often as a joke and with a tone of voice that show this

Subtle: not very noticeable or obvious

Nuances: a very slight difference in meaning, sound, colour or sb’s feeling that is not usually very obvious.

Trepidation: getting worry or fear about sth unpleasant that may happen